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Digital Inclusion Week 2024 continues: Stories on closing the digital divide

I learned how to type in high school, in a room with rows of electric typewriters. No backspace or delete, just correction tape that didn’t quite hide the divot left by the typewriter key hitting the page. I learned to type slow and deliberately, but the finished product was beautiful… [ Keep reading ]

October 7 – 11 is Digital Inclusion Week

Digital Inclusion Week is an annual nationwide event dedicated to promoting digital equity and inclusion. This year, from October 7 to 11, thousands of organizations and individuals across the country will come together to raise awareness, celebrate achievements, and work toward creating a more digitally inclusive world. That includes Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

Technology Matching Fund grant winner: InterConnection

Seattle IT celebrates InterConnection, a 2023 Technology Matching Fund (TMF) grant winner that is working to bridge Seattle’s digital divide, one laptop at a time. InterConnection, a non-profit organization based in Seattle’s Fremont neighborhood, won a 2023 Technology Matching Fund (TMF) grant of $35,100 to provide digital devices to hundreds… [ Keep reading ]

Low-cost internet launches on CiviForm

Seattleites can now apply for low-cost internet on their preferred device, in their preferred language, in just a few minutes using CiviForm. Residents save on average $420 per year on their internet bills by enrolling in the low-cost internet program through Astound. This was a joint effort across Seattle IT,… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle IT upgrades Adopt-A-Street program with GIS integration

Adopt-A-Street. You might have seen the name before, but what is it, really? The answer is simple: Adopt-A-Street is a community-centered program that helps Seattle residents keep their neighborhood streets clean by empowering volunteers to sign up online. The program is administered by Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), but behind the… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle celebrates progress towards making benefits and discounts more accessible for all residents 

(Originally posted on the City Innovation Hub, July 31, 2024) Seattle is celebrating progress toward making public benefits more accessible for residents since the expansion of the Affordable Seattle program one year ago. Mayor Harrell announced the expansion of the Affordable Seattle initiative on July 12, 2023, part of his… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Information Technology (IT) celebrates diversity, equity, and inclusion every day

Stop by Seattle IT’s booth at Seattle’s Pridefest at the Seattle Center, Sunday, June 30, 12 -5 p.m. Happy Pride week Seattle! Here at Seattle IT, we are celebrating the work we do every day to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our primary goal is to guarantee digital access and… [ Keep reading ]

Public-Private Partnerships that make a difference: City of Seattle and Verizon team up with the Friendship Circle of Washington

City of Seattle Technology Matching Fund (TMF) and Verizon team up with the Friendship Circle of Washington to provide digital skills training to developmentally disabled youth What do you get when the City of Seattle’s Technology Matching Fund (TMF), Verizon, and the Friendship Circle of Washington work together to leverage… [ Keep reading ]

Watch a recording of the May 21 presentation and discussion of the City of Seattle’s 2024 Seattle Technology Access & Adoption Study

Recorded on May 21, 2024, this presentation reviews the findings of the 2024 Seattle Technology Access & Adoption Study, conducted via survey and focus groups by the City of Seattle with 4600 residents. The session shares data and insight on internet access and use, devices, digital skills, civic participation, training… [ Keep reading ]

You’re invited to our virtual event! Digital Equity/Inequity in Seattle: Learning from 2024 Seattle Technology Access & Adoption Study community research

Join us for a data discovery and discussion session as Seattle IT presents Digital Equity/Inequity in Seattle: Learning from 2024 Seattle Technology Access & Adoption Study presentation and discussion on Tuesday, May 21, from 3-4 p.m. with an optional extended conversation from 4-4:30 p.m. This virtual Webex event is an… [ Keep reading ]