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Seattle IT upgrades Adopt-A-Street program with GIS integration

Adopt-A-Street. You might have seen the name before, but what is it, really? The answer is simple: Adopt-A-Street is a community-centered program that helps Seattle residents keep their neighborhood streets clean by empowering volunteers to sign up online. The program is administered by Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), but behind the… [ Keep reading ]

Happy GIS Day, Wednesday, November 17

GIS Day is an annual event celebrating the technology of geographic information systems (GIS) that was initiated by spatial analytics world-leader Esri. For almost 20 years, GIS Day has been a day of gatherings and celebration of the important work done by the GIS community globally. GIS Day is dedicated to… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle IT remaps during the Seattle Squeeze

When the work and planning to permanently close the Alaskan Way Viaduct started months ago, Seattle IT’s GIS team was preparing to support the process. The team needed to update maps and data for each phase of the Viaduct closure and tunnel opening. As construction crews made changes in the… [ Keep reading ]