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You’re invited to our virtual event! Digital Equity/Inequity in Seattle: Learning from 2024 Seattle Technology Access & Adoption Study community research

Join us for a data discovery and discussion session as Seattle IT presents Digital Equity/Inequity in Seattle: Learning from 2024 Seattle Technology Access & Adoption Study presentation and discussion on Tuesday, May 21, from 3-4 p.m. with an optional extended conversation from 4-4:30 p.m. This virtual Webex event is an opportunity for us to share what we’ve learned from the report released this year. We will share the survey and focus group results, what this means for our community, and how to explore our dashboards and data. We’ll be joined by the City’s Interim Chief Technology Officer Jim Loter, Community Technology Advisory Board members, Digital Equity Advisor David Keyes, and research partners at Olympic Research and Strategy and Inclusive Data.

The study, conducted every five years, provides valuable data and insight on internet access and use, devices, digital skills, civic participation, training needs, and safety and security concerns. Results help guide City and community programs to better serve residents and close the digital divide. This study received input from 4,600 diverse Seattle residents, including Native community members, in eight languages.

Some of the results include:

  • One in 20 households have fewer than one internet device per household member.
  • 1 in 6 Native households dealt with internet outages of a month or more.
  • Nearly 44,000 households have significant needs for improvement in access, devices, uses, and skills using a new digital connectedness index.
  • 11% of BIPOC households do not have internet access both at home and on-the-go.

To learn more about the survey, including the full summary report, Tableau data dashboards, focus group results, and more, visit

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