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Seattle Chosen as Part of “What Works”

The City of Seattle is a leader in utilizing Open Data.  Websites like  and have demonstrated the City’s commitment and effective use of open data resources. Now, Bloomberg Charities just chose Seattle as one of the first eight cities to participate in the “What Works Cities” program. In the next three… [ Keep reading ]

Grant available to engage communities & neighborhoods using online technology!

Background The Online Boost Project was developed in response to what we learned from the Seattle Communities Online assessment and presentations at Neighborhood District Council and community group meetings. Neighborhood groups want to build their capacity to do effective outreach online, maintain their content, foster online engagement and use City… [ Keep reading ]

TMF Success Stories: MMRTI

This post is the first in a series of “TMF Success Stories,” featuring updates on Technology Matching Fund recipients. Overview The Multimedia Resources and Training Institute of Seattle, or MMRTI, empowers youth to become leaders by using media technology to create stories about their cultural heritage, communities, and themselves. In… [ Keep reading ]

Using wikis for online community building

Netsquared, an initiative of Techsoup Global, hosted a session earlier this year called “How Nonprofits Can Use Wikis + Online Community Building.”  You can view a video of the session’s three wiki-experts here and learn about this simple collaborative tool. One quote from the Adam Frey, the co-creator of Wikispaces,… [ Keep reading ]

Idealware’s Social Media decision guide

Idealware, a nonprofit dedicated to helping nonprofits make smarter decisions, has created a guide to help nonprofits learn how to use social networking tools.  From their website: Social media can be useful to your organization… but how useful?  For what?  What tangible results are people seeing from it?  Created in… [ Keep reading ]

Idealware wants to know how you’re using social media.

Idealware, an organization helping nonprofits make smart software decisions, wants to know how you’re using social media. Do you work or volunteer for a nonprofit organization?  Take a few minutes to fill out their online survey.  Idealware will use your answers to help all nonprofits use social media more effectively! … [ Keep reading ]