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City of Seattle awards $320,000 for digital equity

Mayor Ed Murray and the City Council today awarded 10 Seattle organizations a total of $320,000 in Technology Matching Funds from the City of Seattle. Council committee voted unanimously to approve the awards. Full Council approval is expected on Sept. 6. “Technology impacts nearly every facet of our lives, from finding jobs to thriving in […]

Seattle IT’s New Director of Security, Risk, and Compliance: Dena Solt

Hired in July, Dena fills the final position on Seattle IT’s Executive Team where she leads the effort to keep the City’s—and its customers’—data secure and privacy protected.  To do that, Dena sees her challenge as “responding to day-to-day security and privacy matters while getting an understanding of the vast… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Channel Wins Two Regional Emmy Awards

SEATTLE CHANNEL, Cable 21 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 6, 2016 Contact: Lori Patrick, (206) 733-9764                 Station recognized for historic/cultural programming SEATTLE – Seattle Channel is the recipient of two Northwest Regional Emmy Awards for historic/cultural programming, one for a segment about the Georgetown Steam Plant and another for… [ Keep reading ]

Civic Tech News — What Works Cities Initiative in Seattle

Since 2015, the City of Seattle has been working quietly on a number of programs to make our government more data-driven, results-oriented, and innovative. We passed a new open data policy that balances transparency and privacy. We are shifting to a new model for performance management, both within the City… [ Keep reading ]

Meet City of Seattle’s New Chief Privacy Officer (CPO): Susan Goodman

Susan Goodman knows a lot about data and information – how to collect, maintain, manage and dispose of data, carefully. She also knows about the delicate balance between transparent government and protecting its citizen’s Privacy. Susan brings impressive credentials to Seattle. She has a Master’s Degree and is a Certified… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle Wins 2016 EPEAT Sustainable Purchasing Award

The Green Electronics Council (GEC) today announced the winners of the 2016 EPEAT Sustainable Purchasing Awards, which recognize excellence in the procurement of sustainable electronics. EPEAT is a free and trusted source of environmental product ratings that makes it easy for purchasers to select high-performance electronics that support their organization’s sustainability… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Murray announces agreement with Shenzhen to advance biomedical research

Mayor Ed Murray announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Seattle and the City of Shenzhen, China, to support biomedical research and the establishment of a joint institute between the University of Washington School of Medicine and Shenzhen-based BGI, one of the world’s largest genomics organizations. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) commits […]

Seattle Channel Receives 17 Emmy Nominations

Originally Posted April 4, 2016 by Seattle Channel Seattle Channel is honored to receive 17 Northwest Regional Emmy-award nominations from the Northwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS). The station’s nominations include overall station excellence with the channel competing against some of the region’s commercial and public… [ Keep reading ]

Hacking for Oceans and Fish — Seattle IT Dives Deep at Fishackathon

All Earth Day weekend long, April 22-24, teams of Seattle technologists joined together at Impact Hub Seattle to explore how we can use data and technology to protect our fish and oceans. “Seattle is defined both by technological innovation and commitment to environmental sustainability,” said Candace Faber, City of Seattle’s… [ Keep reading ]