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Seattle Channel wins 5 Northwest Regional Emmy Awards 

NEWS RELEASE FROM SEATTLE CHANNEL  Seattle Channel recognized for storytelling in arts/entertainment, diversity equity inclusion, and more!  SEATTLE (June 5, 2023) Seattle Channel is the recipient of five Northwest Emmy Awards in the categories of arts/entertainment, business/consumer, diversity equity inclusion, human interest, and video essayist. The winning programs include an Art Zone… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle IT’s work to support the One Seattle Day of Service

In April, Mayor Harrell announced that this year’s One Seattle Day of Service will take place on Saturday, May 20. This is a City-sponsored event that invites every Seattle neighbor to roll up their sleeves, come together, and give back to the community by signing up for a volunteer opportunity… [ Keep reading ]

Are you interested in serving on the City of Seattle’s Community Surveillance Working Group?

The City of Seattle is looking for volunteers to serve on the Community Surveillance Working Group (CSWG). The seven-member work group advises the Council and the Mayor’s Office on matters of surveillance technology from a community perspective. The Surveillance Ordinance took effect in 2018 and provides greater transparency to the… [ Keep reading ]

YWCA Works is using a loan to own program to close the digital divide

YWCA Works serves the White Center community with programs designed to improve disparities in income. Now, as a recipient of a 2022 Technology Matching Fund (TMF) grant from the City of Seattle, they will be able to address an inequity that opened up during the pandemic when so much of… [ Keep reading ]

Online resources for Seattle residents

As part of National Digital Inclusion Week, running October 3-7, the City of Seattle is a participating agency helping to spread awareness, recognition, and celebration of digital inclusion and access. The City of Seattle has been supporting digital equity work since 1997. Over the years, as technology has evolved, so… [ Keep reading ]

Big improvements to navigation central pages coming soon

Introduction Have you ever tried to pay your utility bill or find a permit by browsing the City website? It may not be intuitive if you don’t know our organizational structure and now you don’t have to. Looking back to late 2019 and early 2020, our web analytics showed global navigation was being… [ Keep reading ]

Community Technology Advisory Board welcomes new members

The Community Technology Advisory Board (CTAB) recently welcomed new members: Camille Malonzo, a software engineer at Microsoft; Dr. Lassana Magassa, a recent doctorate degree recipient in information science from the University of Washington’s Information School (UW iSchool); Brandon Lindsey, a nonprofit and educational consultant; and Dr. Tyrone Grandison, a technologist,… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor, officials weigh in on historic FCC votes

Today, after the FCC voted in favor of net neutrality and municipal broadband choices, Mayor Ed Murray, Councilmember Bruce Harrell and Chief Technology Officer Michael Mattmiller issued the following statements: “I applaud the FCC for passing the strongest net neutrality rules in Internet history, a vital decision for not only… [ Keep reading ]

Reshaping immigration, embracing technology in government at Civic Cocktail, Dec. 3

Rich Stolz of OneAmerica and tech executive Kurt DelBene among featured guests SEATTLE –President Obama’s executive action to reform the nation’s immigration system and a discussion about the intersection of government and technology are the topics of conversation at Civic Cocktail, 5:30 p.m., Wed., Dec. 3, at the Palace Ballroom,… [ Keep reading ]

Center for Digital Government names 2014 Digital Cities Survey winners

Re-posted from the Center for Digital Government: Center for Digital Government Names 2014 Digital Cities Survey Winners Cities with Best Practices in Public Sector Information and Communications Technology Honored e.Republic’s Center for Digital Government (The Center) today announced the top-ranked cities in the 2014 Digital Cities Survey. In its 14th… [ Keep reading ]