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Seattle Tech Access Study hits a milestone with more than 4,000 Responders

Almost 4200 residents completed the City of Seattle’s recent Technology Access and Adoption community survey. Thank you to all those residents. Your voice matters! With their responses, we now have data to tell the story of how connected and technologically healthy we are as a community, and where challenges to… [ Keep reading ]

Apply now for Technology Matching Funds

The City of Seattle is now accepting applications for the Technology Matching Fund. Grants of up to $50,000 are available. The deadline is Wednesday, May 4, at 5:00 p.m. The Technology Matching Fund provides funds for digital equity projects. The goals of the fund are to increase access to free or low-cost broadband, empower residents with digital literacy skills, and ensure affordable, available and sufficient devices and technical support. This year the fund seeks to […]

2016 Technology Matching Fund

The City of Seattle is now accepting applications for collaborative technology projects up to $50,000. City dollars are matched by the community’s contribution of volunteer labor, materials, professional services, or cash. Get the 2016 guidelines and apply here: The Technology Matching Fund provides funds for digital equity projects. The goals of the fund are to: Increase access to free or low-cost broadband; Empower residents with digital literacy skills; and Ensure affordable, available and sufficient […]

SCSS upgrades lab with Tech Matching Fund

Kudos to 23 community organizations who successfully completed Technology Matching Fund projects in 2015. These projects achieved greater digital inclusion for over 4,100 residents in Seattle left behind by the digital divide. One grantee, Somali Community Services of Seattle (SCSS), received a $9,000 award to upgrade their aging computer lab. Computers almost a decade old made way for eleven new desktop computers. The lab has since been used weekly to teach more than 215 youth, adults […]

National Award for Technology Matching Fund Grants

Seattle’s Community Technology Program has been honored by The National League of Cities, Next Century Cities, and Google Fiber with one of their inaugural Digital Inclusion Leadership awards. The award recognizes the City’s Technology Matching Fund grant program as a leading best practice in fostering digital inclusion. Winners were chosen on the basis of a program’s ability to provide training, access, and hardware to a diverse range of participants, at low cost, with proven results […]

Hundreds of Youth Bridge the Digital Divide

This fall, hundreds of kids from North Seattle are returning to school empowered with new computer knowledge. In the 2014 round of Tech Matching Grants (TMF), North Seattle Boys & Girls Club (NSBGC) was awarded $20,000 to create 23 computer work stations, now providing free computer access and education to hundreds of youth. Volunteers and staff monitor the labs, offer technology classes and partner with community organizations to offer additional programs. Since the computers’ arrival last fall, the equipment has been in almost continual […]

TMF success: UW Women’s Center’s Making Connections

The University of Washington’s Women’s Center’s Making Connections (MC) program received a Technology Literacy and Access grant for $14, 399 to “provide enriching educational and character-building experiences for underrepresented Seattle-area high school girls to achieve in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM).” In the 2014-2015 academic year, MC served more than 105 students from 23 high schools in the greater Seattle area. In addition to new computers at the center, other components of the […]

Technology Matching Fund

The Technology Matching Fund provides awards of up to $30,000 in matching funds to community projects which increase technology literacy, provide access to computers, the Internet, and other information technologies; and increase civic participation in the use of technology. Workshops are being held February 10, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. at 2100 Building, 2100 24th Ave S., Seattle, 98144; and on February 12, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at Solid Ground, 1501 N. 45th St., Seattle, 98103. […]

Technology Matching Funds available: deadline March 19

Community organizations and nonprofits are invited to apply for nearly $500,000 in funding to increase digital equity. The Technology Matching Fund awards are matched by the community’s contribution of volunteer labor, materials, professional services or funding. “As a City, Seattle is known for technology and innovation, yet too many residents do not have sufficient Internet access or the skills necessary to participate fully in today’s economy,” said Mayor Ed Murray. “This funding leverages the resources […]

City of Seattle supports assistive technology lab, empowers older adults

Older adults with low vision reconnect with their independence in a new assistive technology learning lab funded by the City of Seattle’s Technology Matching Fund. Low vision caused by age-related eye diseases compromises the ability of older adults to continue activities of daily life, self-care, and even social interaction. One nonprofit, Sight Connection, enhances the ability of individuals with vision loss to lead active independent lives. The Technology Matching Fund provided Sight Connection with a […]