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Tech Matching Fund Workshop Feb 4

Attend a Technology Matching Fund grant workshop on Tuesday, February 4 at 6:00 PM.  Here you will learn about the eligibility requirements, how to apply and what makes for a successful application. The City is awarding matching grants of up to $20,000 per project to increase technology literacy or use… [ Keep reading ]

December brainstorm eZine now online

The December Brainstorm, City of Seattle Community Technology Program eZine, is now online. View it here. This month, we feature: 2013 Brainstorm Survey; Seattle Channel’s new mobile app; Seattle hosts National League of Cities Congress & digital inclusion workshop; Iu-Mien American Association’s new computer literacy program; Seattle Public Library’s Tech… [ Keep reading ]

Get Online Seattle provides health and wellness resources

The City of Seattle recently launched “Get Online Seattle,” a digital literacy campaign created to provide residents with the necessary skills to navigate the internet and find content relevant to their needs. Each quarter, the Get Online Seattle campaign will focus on a different content area, helping Seattle residents get… [ Keep reading ]

November Brainstorm hot off the presses!

The November issue of Brainstorm, City of Seattle Community Technology Program eZine is now online. View it here.  This month features Get Online Seattle Health & the Web.  You can also encourage talented youth in your community to submit an entry for Youth Voices Against Violence Audio Contest. This month we… [ Keep reading ]

October Brainstorm Now Online!

The October issue of Brainstorm, City of Seattle Community Technology Program eZine is now online. View it here.  This month, table a look at Open Data to better understand the City’s budget.  You can also tune in to the Seattle Channel’s Seattle Speaks program and make your voice heard on, “Wage… [ Keep reading ]

September Brainstorm Now Online!

The September issue of Brainstorm, City of Seattle Community Technology Program eZine is now online. View it here.  In this month’s issue, we feature the Technology Matching Fund program featured on the Seattle Channel’s City Stream.  This month we also feature: Seattle’s new smartphone app: Find It, Fix It Information about… [ Keep reading ]

August Brainstorm Now Online!

The August issue of Brainstorm, City of Seattle Community Technology Program eZine is now online. View it here.  In this month’s issue, we congratulate all 24 Technology Matching Fund recipients as their funding is approved by the City Council.  We had a great reception in the Norman B Rice room… [ Keep reading ]

Miss the Low-Cost Internet & Computers Webinar? Get it Here

If you weren’t able to make it to the Low-Cost Internet and Computers webinar last week, you are in luck! This webinar, hosted by City of Seattle Community Technology Program, with the Communities Connect Network/EdLab Group, included panelists from InterConnection, CenturyLink, Connect2Compete/EveryoneOn, and Solid Ground’s ConnectUp. Kate Farmer from Neighborhood… [ Keep reading ]

Low Cost Internet & Computers Webinar, 7/25 @10:30 AM

What are the different options for residents to get low cost Internet (broadband) and a computer at home? What can non-profits do to refer people to the different programs?  Join us for the Home Internet & Computers for Low-Income Residents: A webinar for social service providers & community organizations tomorrow,… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor recommends projects to promote broadband, digital literacy

Mayor Mike McGinn is recommending 24 community based technology  projects for support through the City’s 2013 Technology Matching Fund. These broadband adoption and digital literacy projects are being forwarded to City Council.  See the list of projects and more information in the press release.