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Jack Straw Offers Hands On English Training

Seattle World School student reads poetry to practice English. Photo by Nancy Peterfreund. Jack Straw Productions, a multidisciplinary audio arts center in the University District, has been providing hands-on language and technology training to Vietnamese, Spanish and Amharic speaking youth at the Seattle World School, a public school for newcomers to the United States. With support from the Technology Matching Fund in 2011, Jack Straw implemented a new writing, performance, and technology project with Seattle […]

Update: FCC Committee for Diversity in the Digital Age

Seattle’s Tony Perez, Office of Cable Communications director, serves on the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) Committee for Diversity in the Digital Age. Tony shared with us some information from the Diversity Committee’s October 3, 2012 meeting. FCC Commissioner Rosenworcel commented on the importance of developing policies to increase women and minority representation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) jobs. According to the Commissioner, women currently occupy less than 25% and Hispanic/Latino and African Americans […]

DESC grant making a difference

The Downtown Emergency Service Center (DESC) helps chronically homeless adults gain the skills they need in order to obtain and maintain employment, providing them with economic well-being, productivity and self-accomplishment. Case managers and volunteers work with each client to address issues holding them back, like chronic homelessness, no high school diploma, mental illness, disability, and/or chemical dependency. DESC also works with employers within the community, such as Metropolitan Improvement District and Princess Tours, who are […]

Winners of the Evergreen Apps Challenge

Ready to bookmark and load some exciting tools? Watch out for Which Bus, Living Voters Guide, Trash Backwards, Alike, Seattle Rainwatch, and Food Inspector! These new civic apps were chosen from twenty finalists in the first Evergreen Apps Challenge. Mayor Mike McGinn and King County Executive Dow Constantine joined judges, developers and Conrad Saam of Urban Spoon at City Hall to celebrate the winners and award $75,000 in pizes. See more about the awards and contest. […]

Touchstones: Rainier Beach

Touchstones: A Walking Tour of Rainier Beach is a neighborhood project that reveals the history, heritage and people of one of Seattle’s most unique neighborhoods. The inaugural tour will take place during the Rainier Beach Art Walk on Saturday, September 15. Participants should gather at 11:00 a.m. at the Neighborcare Lobby at 9245 Rainier Avenue South for this free, docent led tour. Rainier Beach is frequently lauded as one of the nation’s most diverse places. […]

Community Tech Projects Get $320K in Grants

Councilmember Bruce Harrell and Tech Matching Fund grantees outside city hall before the grants were approved by the Public Safety, Civil Rights and Technology Committee. Mayor Mike McGinn and the City Council announced on July 23 that 23 community organizations will receive a total of $320,000 in Technology Matching Fund grants. The funds will increase computer and Internet training for our most vulnerable residents as well as help them with basic education, job training, and […]

15 Organizations Receive 2012 Boost grants

The Department of Information Technology has awarded the 2012 Communities Online Boost Grant to 15 Seattle organizations.   Funds of up to $1000 per organization were used to help enhance the use of online tools for community building and civic engagement. Congratulations to the following organizations awarded Boost Grants for 2012:… [ Keep reading ]

Social Media Training in the International District

Seattle Chinatown International District PDA is looking for ways to help local merchants thrive. With $20,000 in support from the City’s Technology Matching Fund, the SCIDpda has begun educating local businesses on social media. The SCIDpda developed workshops with One Media Venture, a Seattle based-media and production company, on the basics of why social media is important and how neighborhood businesses can start using different social media platforms to improve economic growth and development. In March, five local […]

Grant available to engage communities & neighborhoods using online technology!

Background The Online Boost Project was developed in response to what we learned from the Seattle Communities Online assessment and presentations at Neighborhood District Council and community group meetings. Neighborhood groups want to build their capacity to do effective outreach online, maintain their content, foster online engagement and use City… [ Keep reading ]

TMF Success Stories: Wallingford Community Senior Center

This post is the second in a series of “TMF Success Stories,” featuring updates on Technology Matching Fund recipients. Overview A little over a year ago, the Wallingford Community Senior Center was suffering financially and about to close its doors. The economic downturn led to a lack of funding for programming, and the WCSC was […]