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Gay City Health Project Offers Computer Access

Gay City Health Project is a multicultural gay men’s health organization that promotes wellness in LGBT communities by providing health services, connecting people to resources, fostering arts, and building community. The Gay City LGBT Resource Center in the Michael C. Weidemann library provides a safe and accessible place for the LGBT community to connect with the resources they need. With support from the Technology Matching Fund in 2012 Gay City expanded the LGBT Resource Center to […]

Mayor recommends projects to promote broadband, digital literacy

Mayor Mike McGinn is recommending 24 community based technology  projects for support through the City’s 2013 Technology Matching Fund. These broadband adoption and digital literacy projects are being forwarded to City Council.  See the list of projects and more information in the press release.

OneAmerica Finds Success with Digital Approach to Language Learning

OneAmerica provided a 13-week series English Innovations classes this winter, with support from the 2013 Technology Matching Fund, for immigrants living and working in Seattle. Twenty-four immigrants learned a combination of English and technology skills through English Innovations’ unique blended program model. During weekly classes, a technology coach and dedicated volunteers assisted students with basic computer and Internet skills, as well as English grammar and conversation. Students used language-learning software provided by Livemocha, a Rosetta Stone-like online […]

East African Youth Share Journeys, Learn English With Digital Book

The digital book Tarikna is an amazing journey for readers and for its 14 youth authors from Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia. Tarikna was produced through a combined English literacy and digital media program by the YTech Program at the Metrocenter YMCA of Seattle with the Seattle Public Library and Horn of Africa Services. For the 14 exceptional participants, the first parts of their journeys are the stories they share in Tarikna of leaving their home […]

African Chamber Supports Computer Literacy in Rainier Beach

Peter Gishuru, Yohannes Beshi and ACPNW intern Ida Goitem with students at the lab. Peter Gishuru, the President and CEO of the African Chamber of Commerce of the Pacific Northwest (ACCPNW), was talking with a recent immigrant from Kenya, who complained of not knowing how to operate a computer. “I do not even have email,” he said. Unable to find employment, this man wanted to volunteer at a local senior center, even though manning the […]

LIHI’s Volunteer Powered Training Program Helps Residents Achieve Goals

Low Income Housing Institute’s Computer Technology and Job Search Training program is on the move. With support this year from the Technology Matching Fund and the Solid Ground MLK AmeriCorps/VISTA program, LIHI has expanded this project from a small pilot to a growing program serving residents at nine housing sites. The program offers homeless, formerly homeless and low-income individuals opportunities to increase their employability and career advancement options through a highly individualized computer technology and […]

Technology Matching Fund, Due March 4

Tech Matching Fund awards up to $20,000 in matching funds to community projects which increase resident access to information technology, increase literacy in using technology, and/or apply technology to foster civic engagement and community building. …

Ethiopian Lab Offers Computer Knowledge in Amharic

The Ethiopian Community in Seattle (ECS) serves all persons of Ethiopian origin by providing help to those in need, and empowers them to live productive lives. With support from the Technology Matching Fund last year, the organization revitalized their computer lab. When asked to reflect on the impact of the grant, Computer Center Coordinator Tefera Gulelat shared these comments: What were the greatest successes of your project? “The ECS computer center has become an invaluable resource for large number of low income people in their quest to learn new technology and to better themselves. They surf the internet for job search, tutorial services, homework help, research their class projects and engaging their friends through social media. It is really heartening to see a good number of senior citizens frequenting our facility.” What were your most difficult challenges? “We were challenged in several fronts when we tried to procure our native Amharic language word processor. The lack of standards in their encoding (ASCII or Unicode) scheme, compatibility with various operating systems and the varying cost made it harder for us to choose among several competing vendors.

Attend a Technology Matching Fund Grant Workshop February 6

City grants to help your community with technology We are offering workshops and now accepting applications from community and neighborhood groups for the 2013 Technology Matching Fund.  Applications are due March 4.  Attend a workshop and learn more about the program and how to apply for a grant. First-time applicants are encouraged to attend. These […]

Jack Straw Offers Hands On English Training

Seattle World School student reads poetry to practice English. Photo by Nancy Peterfreund. Jack Straw Productions, a multidisciplinary audio arts center in the University District, has been providing hands-on language and technology training to Vietnamese, Spanish and Amharic speaking youth at the Seattle World School, a public school for newcomers to the United States. With support from the Technology Matching Fund in 2011, Jack Straw implemented a new writing, performance, and technology project with Seattle […]