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October is Cybersecurity Month: Are you #Cybersmart?

Our Cybersecurity Risk Team is honoring Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October with information and tips to raise awareness about the importance of protecting data and staying safe online.  Although this month is set aside to heighten awareness of online predators, this information should be used EVERY day to protect the City’s data and security.   Phishing, Vishing, and Catphishing:… [ Keep reading ]

Fourth Public Comment Period Opening for Technologies Subject to the City’s Surveillance Ordinance

The City of Seattle has published the fourth set of draft Surveillance Impact Reports (SIRs) for four of the 26 currently existing surveillance technologies, per the Surveillance Ordinance.    The City of Seattle is looking for the public’s input on the SIRs to help the provide the City Council with insight into community perspective and ensure City policies responsibly govern… [ Keep reading ]

Get schooled on cybersecurity: online learning security tips for students and parents

Courtesy of the National Cybersecurity Alliance in collaboration with Educause As K-12 schools adopt fully online or blended virtual and in-person learning environments, it is important to understand some basic cybersecurity steps students and parents can take to make sure they move to the top of the class securely. October… [ Keep reading ]

Washington’s Privacy Act among flurry of state privacy bills

By Ginger Armbruster, Chief Privacy Officer Today is International Data Privacy Day, a holiday meant to raise awareness and promote privacy and data protection best practices. To mark the occasion, Seattle Information Technology’s Privacy Office offers an overview of a few proposed privacy laws in the state of Washington that… [ Keep reading ]

Mitigating privacy risks of evolving technology

By Ginger Armbruster, Chief Privacy Officer A new decade means new tech. As emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning disrupt every industry, government must capitalize on opportunities to operate more efficiently and deliver better services while mitigating threats to cybersecurity and protecting privacy. Enter the City of Seattle’s Privacy Office, part of the… [ Keep reading ]

Data Privacy Day, prime time to think about a new, improved digital you

Content provided by the National Cyber Security Alliance When Americans reflect back on the previous year and think about their aspirations for 2020, common goals range from getting more exercise to improving finances to eating healthier. At the beginning of a new decade in today’s hyper-connected world, it’s prime time to think… [ Keep reading ]

Got Privacy?

Privacy Fact: Your credit card’s magnetic strip knows your secrets! The banking industry is finally stepping up to provide robust privacy and data protection because one of the biggest threats is the card itself. Magnetic strips contain a great deal of information that is potentially hackable. January 28 is a… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle Hires Ginger Armbruster as Chief Privacy Officer

The City of Seattle selected Ginger Armbruster as the City’s Chief Privacy Officer. The Chief Privacy Officer will help the City implement and enforce practices that manage data in accordance with the City’s Privacy Principles, which were established by Mayor Edward Murray and City Council. In 2015 the City of… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle issues rule to strengthen broadband privacy for consumers

Notice of City of Seattle Information Technology Department Director’s Rule 2017-01. Seattle Information Technology Department (ITD) is establishing ITD Director’s Rule 2017-01. This Rule applies to cable operators franchised to provide cable service in the City of Seattle. ITD Director’s Rule 2017-01 provides procedures that Seattle Information Technology Department’s Office… [ Keep reading ]