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Using Google forms to survey community members

Google Forms – free for those with Google accounts – can perform many of the same functions as an online tool like Surveymonkey.  Since Surveymonkey charges a monthly fee for surveys over 10 questions long, it’s worth exploring Google Forms to find out if you can send out effective surveys… [ Keep reading ]

Volunteer for our Get Online! event

On Thursday, November 18, from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM, many computer learning centers in Central and South Seattle will be hosting events to help community members Get Online! There will be activities and demonstrations on many topics, including: social networking, posting/viewing photos online, paying bills online, using email, accessing… [ Keep reading ]

Learn more about net neutrality

While scouring the internet looking for new online tools to help neighborhood groups build community, I’ve come across the term “Net Neutrality” fairly often.  It took me a bit of research to figure out why Net Neutrality is so important.  Have you ever wondered what the term “Net Neutrality” really… [ Keep reading ]

Using wikis for online community building

Netsquared, an initiative of Techsoup Global, hosted a session earlier this year called “How Nonprofits Can Use Wikis + Online Community Building.”  You can view a video of the session’s three wiki-experts here and learn about this simple collaborative tool. One quote from the Adam Frey, the co-creator of Wikispaces,… [ Keep reading ]

Neighborhood group web tool survey

If you participate in a neighborhood or community group, I’d sincerely appreciate it if you take a few minutes to fill out a short, 6-question online survey about your web tool use.  As a Masters of Public Administration student at the University of Washington, I’m in the process completing my… [ Keep reading ]

Designing your site for diversity: Colors

As you design your community online, consider asking your intended audience about colors and their culture. White is color of sadness in some countries. Green is taken in Western society to mean environmental consciousness. In China, a green hat could imply that a man’s wife is cheating on him. A… [ Keep reading ]

Idealware wants to know how you’re using social media.

Idealware, an organization helping nonprofits make smart software decisions, wants to know how you’re using social media. Do you work or volunteer for a nonprofit organization?  Take a few minutes to fill out their online survey.  Idealware will use your answers to help all nonprofits use social media more effectively! … [ Keep reading ]

Welcome to the Seattle Communities Online blog!

We’re excited to announce the launch of the Seattle Communities Online blog, part of the Department of Information Technology’s Tech Talk blog.  Here, you can find news, tips, and stories aimed at helping you connect with your neighborhood online. The Seattle Communities Online project was created in response to neighborhood… [ Keep reading ]