The start of the new year is the perfect time to pick up new, beneficial habits. While many people make resolutions for their personal life, instilling good habits and making positive changes for your career are just as important and impactful! Consider one of these tips to help you work better as you kick off the New Year.

Read a career-related book
Books on productivity, performance, and motivation can teach important lessons that help you to excel at your job. Some of the most popular career-related books in recent years were The 5AM Club by Robin Sharma, Drive by Daniel Pink, and Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett, and Dave Evans. Whether you are looking to become more organized, motivated, or a better leader, there is certainly a book out there to help you achieve your goal.
Learn a new technical skill
Perhaps you have always wanted to improve your Excel abilities or learn some other piece of technology? Well, the new year is a great time to set new goals and learn a skill that can benefit you at work. Watch a tutorial on YouTube or take a class online. Learning new technology is always beneficial.

Work healthier
Working from home, it’s easy to sometimes go the whole day never stepping away from your desk! Changing how you work could be a good New Year’s resolution to be healthier and more refreshed while on the clock. Consider trading your old desk for a standing one (If you’re really ambitious, try a treadmill desk and walk while you work!), preparing healthy lunches for the week, or setting aside time throughout the day to stretch or walk.
Over the past few years, the isolation of working from home may have led to lost connections with people in your network or prevented you from making new ones. Make a resolution to reconnect with your professional network or attend virtual or physical networking events to meet more people in your field. This can help you stay on top of what’s happening in the field, create friendships, and have a strong support system to fall back onto if ever needed.

Clean up
There is nothing more stressful than returning from the holidays to see an overflowing email inbox and pile of unorganized files (digital or physical) waiting for you. Start off the new year right by sorting through your unread emails and deleting what is unneeded. The same goes with cleaning out all your files that may unnecessarily be taking up space.
Do you have a work-related goal that you like to start the year off with or have a great book recommendation? Share it with us on our Twitter or Facebook handles.