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600 Seattle area youth join Adobe Youth Voices worldwide

The City of Seattle Department of Information Technology has partnered with the Adobe Foundation and Reel Grrls to greatly expand the Adobe Youth Voices program in the Seattle area. Seattle is home to Adobe’s Fremont campus, which employs about 500 people. This school year, over 600 youth at 20 schools… [ Keep reading ]

$75,000 in prizes for best apps – deadline Sept 6

The State of Washington, King County, and the City of Seattle are alerting local applications developers that the deadline for submitting apps to the Evergreen Apps Challenge is only one week away. Eligible entries should be submitted before 5 pm PST on Thursday, Sept 6. The Challenge is open to… [ Keep reading ]

15 Organizations Receive 2012 Boost grants

The Department of Information Technology has awarded the 2012 Communities Online Boost Grant to 15 Seattle organizations.   Funds of up to $1000 per organization were used to help enhance the use of online tools for community building and civic engagement. Congratulations to the following organizations awarded Boost Grants for 2012:… [ Keep reading ]

It Takes a Community to Bridge the Digital Divide Webinar Tues, 3/6 1 pm EST

David Keyes will be presenting in a national webinar on digital inclusion: Tuesday, March 6th ♦ 1 pm Eastern / 10 am Pacific. This will cover the national framework, local government roles, and building partnerships. Register and more: In FCC Chairman Genachowski’s announcement of the sweeping Connect2Compete initiative to… [ Keep reading ]

Luversa & the Intel Clever Kids

There are some amazing clever kids in Tacoma, Washington. Yeah, you’re right – there are great kids everywhere. But that’s part of what makes the Tacoma youth so amazing…and today there is more. These young people are techie survivors on their way to being thrivers. Right now, they’re in the… [ Keep reading ]

Grant available to engage communities & neighborhoods using online technology!

Background The Online Boost Project was developed in response to what we learned from the Seattle Communities Online assessment and presentations at Neighborhood District Council and community group meetings. Neighborhood groups want to build their capacity to do effective outreach online, maintain their content, foster online engagement and use City… [ Keep reading ]

TMF Success Stories: MMRTI

This post is the first in a series of “TMF Success Stories,” featuring updates on Technology Matching Fund recipients. Overview The Multimedia Resources and Training Institute of Seattle, or MMRTI, empowers youth to become leaders by using media technology to create stories about their cultural heritage, communities, and themselves. In… [ Keep reading ]

South Park “Pimp my blog” and calendar

A new calendar and resource directory for the South Park neighborhood site was built during a Seattle data camp and they integrate with the city calendar and Socrata open data platform.

Slow Broadband for Low Income, Map Doesn’t Tell Full Story

The federal broadband map is a start at showing broad gaps in coverage, but is far from telling the story of real speed, cost, actual service availability and upload capacity. A study published by the The Investigative Reporting Workshop at the American University School of Communications raises a significant issues of “Do Low-Income Households Get Slow Broadband by Design?”