The City of Seattle invites community organizations and nonprofits to apply for grants up to $50,000 each to help make Seattle a more digitally equitable community. The City seeks applications for projects that increase access to free or low-cost broadband, empower residents with digital literacy skills, and ensure affordable, available and sufficient devices and technical support. A total of $404,000 will be awarded.
The Technology Matching Fund aims to address this disparity. A cornerstone of the City’s Digital Equity Initiative, the fund gives matching dollars for community-driven, collaborative projects. City funds are matched by the community’s contribution of volunteer labor, materials, professional services, or funding.
Application materials and more information are available at
Two workshops will be held for those interested in applying for the matching funds. The free workshops will provide an overview of the grant program, explain how to apply, and give characteristics of a successful application. First time applicants are encouraged to attend.
Wednesday, March 29: 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Solid Ground, 1501 N. 45th St, 98103
Wednesday, April 5: 10 – 11:30 a.m.
2100 Building, 2100 24th Ave South, 98144
Interpretation and accommodations are available upon request by calling 206-233-2751 or emailing The program is managed by Seattle Information Technology.