Gay City Health Project is a multicultural gay men’s health organization that promotes wellness in LGBT communities by providing health services, connecting people to resources, fostering arts, and building community. The Gay City LGBT Resource Center in the Michael C. Weidemann library provides a safe and accessible place for the LGBT community to connect with the resources they need. With support from the Technology Matching Fund in 2012 Gay City expanded the LGBT Resource Center to provide free public access computers to the many vulnerable populations they serve, including LGBT youth, LGBT individuals who are homeless, the transgender community and LGBT seniors. Trained volunteers are available to help individuals find information they seek. Computers are open for use during regular library hours, and may be reserved in advance for longer use when needed for accessing resources such as housing or employment assistance. Drop-in/computer use hours are Monday – Friday: 11:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. and Saturday: 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. at their 517 E. Pike Street location in Capitol Hill. For more information contact Peter Jabin at