Today, September 3, 2024, the Seattle City Council officially appointed Rob Lloyd as the new chief technology officer for the City of Seattle.
Lloyd’s appointment by the full council completes a process that began on May 30, 2024, when Mayor Bruce Harrell announced Lloyd’s selection as interim CTO. The Seattle City Council’s confirmation of the mayor’s appointment began on August 14, 2024, when Lloyd’s appointment was recommended unanimously by the five members of the Parks, Public Utilities & Technology Committee. Today’s unanimous vote in support of Lloyd by the full council means that he is confirmed for a term lasting into 2028.
In Lloyd’s August appearance before the Parks, Public Utilities & Technology Committee, he discussed how Seattle IT will work with other departments to achieve Citywide goals related to public safety, equity, and Vision Zero. “There was a time when there were swim lanes in government… that’s passed. Now, instead of swim lanes we have water polo. Government is about single goals where we all swarm and work together,” said Lloyd. “It requires an all-hands approach, and technology needs to play that role because we connect information, systems, and action.”

In today’s meeting with the full council, Councilmember Joy Hollingsworth said “I am really excited about this appointment of Rob Lloyd as our Chief Technology Officer. I have known Rob Lloyd to be smart, a forward thinker — innovative, and focused on service, functionality, and fluidity for our City.”
Addressing the full council today, CTO Rob Lloyd said “I have shared with the Seattle IT team that we have 759,915 Seattleites counting on us, giving us a compelling reason for excellence every day. Our mission: unleash the brilliance of 13,000 City employees, including our team in Seattle IT, in service to the community… I am earnestly excited about the future we are building together.”
Watch the full video of today’s Seattle City Council meeting here. Lloyd’s confirmation begins at 1:02:16.