The City of Seattle has published the fourth set of draft Surveillance Impact Reports (SIRs) for four of the 26 currently existing surveillance technologies, per the Surveillance Ordinance.
The City of Seattle is looking for the public’s input on the SIRs to help the provide the City Council with insight into community perspective and ensure City policies responsibly govern the use of these technologies.
The public comment period is currently open and runs through June 30, 2021. The complete list of technologies in this group for review, can be found below. We have three ways to allow residents to provide input and share their concerns:
- Residents can submit their surveillance comments on each technology online at: City of Seattle Privacy website.
- Seattle residents can also mail comments to Attn: Surveillance & Privacy Program, Seattle IT, PO Box 94709, Seattle, WA 98124
- City Surveillance Technology Event: The City will hold virtual events to allow attendees ask questions from department technology experts and hear from City leadership. These virtual events will take place over using Webex and participants can join via online or the phone. Links and times are as follows:
Thursday, June 10, noon to 1 p.m.
Link to join: https://seattle.webex.com/seattle/j.php?MTID=mdfa673054e3236adb179613c69692067
Phone number to call in:+1-206-207-1700
Event number (access code): 187 147 0595
Tuesday, June 29, 3-4 p.m.
Link to join: https://seattle.webex.com/seattle/j.php?MTID=me51f66a7150a8e16ca6e3220e25449fd
Phone number to call in: +1-206-207-1700
Event number (access code): 187 172 4351
More information on these technologies, as well as the City of Seattle’s Privacy program, can be found online at the City of Seattle’s Privacy website.
This public input period is a valuable part of our process. The City of Seattle is committed to being transparent and accountable. Hearing from residents is part of the process. We welcome your thoughts and comments and look forward to hearing them.
Seattle Police Department’s Callyo
Seattle Police Department’s Callyo technology is under review for public comment as a retroactive surveillance technology. This software may be installed on an officer’s cell phone to allow them to record the audio from phone communications between law enforcement and suspects. Callyo may be used with consent or search warrant.
Seattle Police Department’s Audio Recording Devices
Seattle Police Department’s Audio Recording Device technology is under review for public comment as a retroactive surveillance technology. This technology consists of a hidden microphone to audio record individuals without their knowledge. The microphone is either not visible to the subject being recorded or is disguised as another object. Used with search warrant or signed Authorization to Intercept (RCW 9A.73.200).
Seattle Police Department’s I2 iBase
Seattle Police Department’s I2 iBase technology is under review for public comment as a retroactive surveillance technology. The I2 iBase crime analysis tool allows for configuring, capturing, controlling, analyzing and displaying complex information and relationships in link and entity data. iBase is both a database application, as well as a modeling and analysis tool. It uses data pulled from SPD’s existing systems for modeling and analysis.
Seattle Police Department’s Maltego
Seattle Police Department’s Maltego technology is under review for public comment as a retroactive surveillance technology. Maltego is an interactive data mining tool that renders graphs for link analysis. The tool is used in online investigations for finding relationships between pieces of information from various sources located on the internet.