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Posts categorized under David Keyes, Author at Tech Talk

Report highlights how Seattleites use technology

SEATTLE 5/23 – At a launch event last night, the City of Seattle released new findings on technology access, adoption and interaction by Seattle residents. These findings are based on feedback from 2,600 residents via online and phone surveys and in-person focus groups in multiple languages about their use, concerns,… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor recommends projects to promote broadband, digital literacy

Mayor Mike McGinn is recommending 24 community based technology  projects for support through the City’s 2013 Technology Matching Fund. These broadband adoption and digital literacy projects are being forwarded to City Council.  See the list of projects and more information in the press release.

Thanks to 2,931 Seattle residents!

A big THANK YOU to more than 2,900 residents who completed our residential technology survey! Over the past few months, 803 people completed our random phone survey and 2,128 people took the survey online.  Thank you for caring about Seattle’s technological future and taking the time to tell us how we can communicate more effectively throughout the city…. [ Keep reading ]

Volunteers sought for City of Seattle Technology Advisory Board

The City of Seattle is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join our tech advisory board. Applications are being taken through January 18th, 2013.   The Board and committees help guide city strategies and investments in our digital future. The ten member Citizens’ Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Board (CTTAB – advises the… [ Keep reading ]

City & Community host Get Online Week Dec 3-8

Learn more about what families can do on the Internet and where to go for training.  This week, December 3rd-8th, twenty community and cultural centers in Seattle are hosting open houses, individual assistance, and workshops at computer learning centers. See the Get Online Week list of sites and activities or… [ Keep reading ]

600 Seattle area youth join Adobe Youth Voices worldwide

The City of Seattle Department of Information Technology has partnered with the Adobe Foundation and Reel Grrls to greatly expand the Adobe Youth Voices program in the Seattle area. Seattle is home to Adobe’s Fremont campus, which employs about 500 people. This school year, over 600 youth at 20 schools… [ Keep reading ]

Getting Seniors Online – Tues 5/22,Live online from D.C.

Getting Seniors Online: May 22nd, 9 – 5 EDT (6 – 2 Pacific time) Join via The Benton Foundation and Connected Living will provide a live stream of Getting Seniors Online, a daylong exploration of the challenges and approaches to connecting the elderly in low-income communities to the benefits… [ Keep reading ]

City will stop operating Seattle WiFi on April 29th

The SeattleWiFi free community wireless service will be discontinued on April 29, 2012. For the past couple weeks a notice has been provided when users log on to the system. The pilot project has been serving the University District, Columbia City and four downtown parks (Steinbrueck, Occidental, Freeway, and Westlake)… [ Keep reading ]