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Neighborhood House TMF Project Update

During April – June, Neighborhood House has continued the Digital Connectors program at the Rainier Vista Computer Lab.  They also added an I-BEST Technology Bridge class provided by Seattle Central Community College and an ESL basic class taught by a volunteer.   Some of the students in the class included young men recently arrived from Eritrea […]

First Tee of Seattle TMF Project Update

With Technology Matching Funds the First Tee of Greater Seattle  added new camcorders and IMacs to their First Tee Learning Center. The 105 students in the program are using the new technology in a variety of ways. Students are learning video skills to create “goal ladders” to assess their current positions and set attainable goals based on […]

TMF Success Stories: North Seattle Family Center

This post is the third in a series of “TMF Success Stories,” featuring updates on Technology Matching Fund recipients. The North Seattle Family Center (NSFC), one of the locations of the Children’s Home Society of Washington (CHSW), is home to the only computer lab in Lake City offering free computer classes. Meeting this responsibility head-on, […]

TMF Success Stories: Wallingford Community Senior Center

This post is the second in a series of “TMF Success Stories,” featuring updates on Technology Matching Fund recipients. Overview A little over a year ago, the Wallingford Community Senior Center was suffering financially and about to close its doors. The economic downturn led to a lack of funding for programming, and the WCSC was […]

TMF Success Stories: MMRTI

This post is the first in a series of “TMF Success Stories,” featuring updates on Technology Matching Fund recipients. Overview The Multimedia Resources and Training Institute of Seattle, or MMRTI, empowers youth to become leaders by using media technology to create stories about their cultural heritage, communities, and themselves. In… [ Keep reading ]

Online Grant Help Drop-In Session

Attend a free drop-in help session this Saturday to learn how to use the City’s online grants management tool for the Technology Matching Fund and Neighborhood Matching Funds. The session will be held Saturday, April 30 at 10:30 a.m. at the Garfield Community Center Computer Lab, located at 2323 E… [ Keep reading ]

2010 Tech Matching Fund Awards Moved through Council

2010 and 2009 Technology Matching Fund grantees filled City Council Chambers in a show of support of CB 116919, which authorizes $300,000 to support technology programs, staffing and equipment in Seattle. For the video clip of the Seattle City Council briefing on July 21, where representatives from over 20 organizations… [ Keep reading ]