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CTTAB to meet on Nov. 15

The Citizens’ Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Board (CTTAB) will meet Tuesday, November 15, 6-8 pm, at Seattle Municipal Tower, 27th floor conference room, at 700 Fifth Avenue in downtown Seattle.  The agenda includes a discussion of the proposed Apps for Seattle Contest. We’ll be talking about goals, success metrics and… [ Keep reading ]

Luversa & the Intel Clever Kids

There are some amazing clever kids in Tacoma, Washington. Yeah, you’re right – there are great kids everywhere. But that’s part of what makes the Tacoma youth so amazing…and today there is more. These young people are techie survivors on their way to being thrivers. Right now, they’re in the… [ Keep reading ]

Mobile Computer Training for Refugees from Burma

Starting in Jan, 2011, the Coalition of Refugees from Burma’s Mobile Computer Literacy Training team began delivering computer literacy training to newly arrived refugees from Burma in languages understood by refugees. The CRB  provides weekly computer literacy training. Three hour long computer literacy classes are held in Tukwila on Saturdays… [ Keep reading ]