Today, April 22, is Earth Day! It’s the day set aside each year to mark the anniversary of the birth of the modern environment movement in 1970. The theme this year is Restore our Earth which examines natural processes, emerging green technologies and innovative thinking that can restore the world’s ecosystems. Some possible Earth Day activities could include walking, biking, or taking public transportation to save gas and some pollution.
Seattle Information Technology’s Adobe Sign program saves the City a significant amount of paper and resources by allowing signatures to be given digitally on contracts and paperwork. Since January 2020, 94,082 documents have been sent for signature.
- 9,896 are in process
- 73, 562 are completed
The process of avoiding paper use saves approximately 50 pages per week for every employee, equating to 50,000 pages per day.
Here are some Seattle area events to participate in this week:
- Seattle Parks and Rec has been celebrating all week with seedling give aways, a YouTube playlist, a Rec’N the Streets program and StoryWalks in the Parks. Check out their list of events here.
- King County has taken it’s annual Earth Week celebration to a virtual setting with online quizzes, earth-friendly actions, and environmental tips to honor the day. See their full list here.
- Seattle’s Child has a list of virtual and family-friendly activities you can do on your own including story walks, scavenger hunts and art walks. Go to their website for that list.