Three workshops held recently for the Technology Matching Fund Grant (TMF) program provided valuable information for potential applicants. Couldn’t attend a session? No problem! Here’s a quick overview of the information presented:
What are the Technology Matching Fund Grants?
Each year the City of Seattle awards funds to organizations with community-driven projects that support digital equity. This year, around $400,000 will be awarded in grants of up to $50,000. Applicants must be working towards fulfilling the top goals of the program including:
- Providing devices and technical support. This could include anything from smart phones to laptops. Many computer labs have been financially supported by TMF grants, but all device-driven projects are encouraged to apply.
- Connectivity. Having access to the Internet is a major factor in improving digital equity.
- Digital Skills Training. Knowledge is power in the world of technology. Projects that work to improve computer literacy by offering training and instruction are qualities considered favorable in the application process.
To be eligible for a grant you must:
- Seek to empower residents and communities with technology– especially those who are historically underserved or underrepresented.
- Be a nonprofit or community group with a project located in Seattle.
- Have a project that can be implemented September 2018 through November 2019.
- Be able to match your award with contributions from the community (volunteer time, donated materials, donated professional services or cash).
Frequently Asked Questions from the Workshops:
My organization is not a 501 (c) 3. Can we still apply?
Yes, you can apply without a 501 (C) 3 status, but you will need to secure a fiscal sponsor by the time of contracting, which is usually in September or October.
We are working with a Fiscal Sponsor on our project. What is the going rate for those services?
Fiscal sponsors typically charge 3%-15%, to fiscally manage a project. You can include this as an expense on your project. If your Fiscal Sponsor waives their fee, you can count the value of the services as match.
My organization received a Tech Matching Fund grant last year. Can I apply again this year?
Yes, you may apply each year for a new project or an expansion of an existing project. We will not fund on-going operations for an organization.
My project will benefit Seattle residents, but my organization is not located in the City of Seattle. Can we apply?
No, an organization must be located in the City of Seattle to receive funds. You may be a partner in the project, but you cannot receive the funds directly.
My organization is a school. Can we apply for funding?
Yes, with a few limitations. The project must be for an after-school program or it should clearly involve community members besides the students. The application must come from a PTSA or other non-profit organization that you partner with.
We currently have a computer lab. Can we use the value of the computers as match?
No, you cannot count existing equipment currently used by your organization as a match. You can, however, count any new contributions that will be used specifically for the project as a match.
We received a Neighborhood Matching Fund grant? Can we use this as match?
No, you cannot match City funds with other City funds. You can list it as “sources not count as match” in your budget.
How are projects selected for funding?
An external review panel rates your proposal using the following criteria: Meets program goals (20 points), Budget (20 points), Project Clarity (20 points), Community Partnerships (15 points), Community Benefit (15 points) and Evaluation (10 points).
Click the image below to watch a series of videos produced by the Seattle Channel about the TMF program’s history
Technology Matching Fund Grants 2018 timeline:
Ready to apply? Click here
Questions? Email
Delia Burke
Vicky Yuki
David Keyes
Chance Hunt
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