The Seattle Channel won a Northwest Regional Emmy Award for the animated short An American Hero: Frank Nishimura. The feature tells the story of Nishimura, a Japanese-America World War II veteran, who grew up in Seattle. He had a happy life growing up in the Pacific Northwest right up until the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. Life changed dramatically for Nishimura and his family. The Nishimura’s moved to Eastern Washington to avoid imprisonment and Frank volunteered to join the U.S. Army. He fought with the 442nd/100th Battalion and was awarded a Purple Heart and Bronze Star among others. The movie short, winner in the Historic Cultural feature category, was produced, directed, shot, animated and edited by Seattle Channel staff members Shannon Gee, Randy Eng and Ian Devier. Natalie Eng and Kai Pacifico Eng also contributed to the project.
Watch An American Hero: Frank Nishimura