The City of Seattle has announced the addition of two new service request types to the Find It, Fix It app, which offers smartphone users an easy way to report issues such as potholes, graffiti, and abandoned vehicles. With the latest update, app users can now report illegal dumping on public property and damaged streetlights.
The Find It, Fix It app is a scaled-down version of the city’s online service request system and includes geographic awareness to give users a convenient way to alert the City to issues and provides location information that helps City staff respond quickly. To report an issue, users simply snap a photo, add detailed information and hit submit.
“The City is committed to finding efficient and effective ways to serve our customers,” said Murray. “Find It, Fix It takes advantage of ever-evolving technology to offer an easy and practical way for the public to connect with the city and notify us of potential issues.”
The app, available for iPhones and Android phones, originally launched in August 2013 and has been downloaded to 6,350 mobile devices since that time. Users have submitted nearly 6,400 requests through the app.