The All About South Park web site has a new calendar and a resources map/directory, all put together during a Seattle datacamp in February. The calendar is integrated with the City of Seattle events calendar. Using Trumba software services, users of the South Park site can see local events events and post, with the events being fed to both the city web site and AllAboutSouthPark. The City web team can provide this same feed for any Seattle neighborhood group web site that wants to incorporate it.
The resource map uses a database hosted on Socrata to feed the map generation. Both of these were added during a organized by Code for America Fellows Anna, Chach and Allan while they were in Seattle doing research for an open source city and community engagement application to be built. This event, bringing together geeks with community residents looking for helpful solutions, is a great model for tech sector/community joint action for digital inclusion and community building. See more also on the Code for America Seattle site and Seattle Communities Online Neighborhoods on the Net directory, which also uses Socrata for the data feed.