Our three Code for America fellows finished up their on-the-ground research here in Seattle and are settling back in at CfA’s San Francisco headquarters. During the month of February, Chach Sikes, Alan Palazzolo, and Anna Bloom completed over 60 interviews with civic leaders, City staff, and community members. They worked incredibly hard while they were here, traveling all over Seattle for community meetings and interviews. For example, in a single day, they might start out in the Central District interviewing staff at the Neighborhood Service Center, then come to the Seattle Municipal Tower to interview a Public Information Officer from a City department, head up to Ravenna to meet with a community blogger, come back downtown to attend a City meeting, and finish the day attending one of the Mayor’s Town Hall events. They also hosted a successful day-long DataCamp. WHEW! They tapped into seemingly endless reserves of energy, and we were impressed by their professionalism, intellectual curiosity, and all-around awesomeness.
In Philadelphia, Boston, and Washington D.C., fellows were completing their own research and interviews in the month of February. To read more about their experiences, check out Executive Director Jennifer Pahlka’s recap. The fellows now have the opportunity to collaborate with other teams as they create their applications. Check back here on Tech Talk for updates!