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Public workshop on public access television

SEATTLE – Since 2001 the City’s public access channels have been operated by Seattle Community Access Network (SCAN) under a contract with the City. This contract expires at the end of 2010, and the City will issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) to seek a public access provider for the next contract period. The City is seeking public input to inform the RFP process and help develop a new business model for public access television. 

 Seattle’s Citizen’s Telecommunications and Technology Advisory Board (CTTAB) and  Office of Cable Communications will host a free public workshop on January 11, 2011, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Garfield Community Center, 2323 East Cherry St, Seattle, 98122.  

 Producers, viewers, community groups and all those interested in the future of public access are invited to participate.  The purpose of the workshop is to develop achievable goals for public access in Seattle that reflect a reduced level of public funding and that supplement traditional television cablecasting by incorporating new media technologies.

 More information can be found at or by calling Tony Perez, Office of Cable Communications, at 206-386-0070.